Merchant du Vin is bringing a little extra delight to beer drinkers, and now we also want to make it easier for our partners selling it: a real favorite, Ayinger Bavarian Dark Lager (in German, Altbairisch Dunkel), is now sold in four-packs of 330 mL bottles.
After pointing out to our friends at Ayinger that we Americans sometimes fear difficult-to-pronounce German names, we can say:
1. The beer – subtle but amazing, with clean malt flavors and a suggestion of dark country bread, a beer that the most advanced beer seeker will love as much as a light lager drinker – has not changed. The four-pack is a new package.
2. It’s OK to officially call it Bavarian Dark Lager, as on the bottle neck label & new 4-pack.
Thanks in advance, distributors and retailers. Hopefully now it’s easy to introduce this traditional, historical, inviting beer to more folks: Ayinger Bavarian Dark Lager.
Now in 4-packs of 330 mL bottles (11.2 oz. – six 4-packs per case); half-liter bottles (16.9 oz. – 20 per case); and 50 liter (13.2 gal) kegs. ABV: 5.0% IBU: 21 OG: 1.051.
Up until the Second World War, dark beer was the predominant beer type in the Munich area. The hard water found in the region played a special role in producing this specialty. In his book “Beer International”, the world-renowned English beer writer, Michael Jackson, accurately describes the Ayinger “Altbairisch Dunkel” as: “A good example of its kind. Impenetrably dark with a golden-brown gleam when held up to the light, and with a warm aroma and malty taste, while summoning up coffee taste sensations on going down. It is brewed from five types of malt (two of which are torrified dark), and it is only lightly hopped.” It is produced using the traditional double fermentation process.
Ayinger Brewery
Ayinger Brewery, established in 1878 and still owned and operated by the founding family, has an unmatched portfolio of traditional, authentic beers that is respected at home in Bavaria, and throughout the world. Their warm hospitality that originates in the foothills of the Alps and the great pride of everyone at Ayinger shows up in every drop of their beers.
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