Jackson, Wyoming — Fear the mullet! As with all great inventions, this one happened on accident. One day when our head brewer was away, he had asked Melvin GM Jamie Morris to do another round of dry hopping in his stead. Morris of course added WAY too many hops, and…the beer turned out amazing! Thus, Chuck Morris was born — karate chopping and round-house kicking its way into your hop fueled heart. And while the new Chuck Morris Double IPA is lighter in body than most of our RIIPAs, don’t let it fool you: it definitely packs a punch! Crafted in Jackson, WY, with what actually began as Morris IPA, we accidentally over-hopped it and turned off the heat exchanger, and the batch took 14 days to ferment. Not afraid of stepping into the madness, we then submitted the beer to the National IPA Championships, and made it to the Final 4. Soon after, Melvin Brewing’s Jamie Morris and his wife had their third daughter. They named her Charlotte, nicknamed her Chuck, and thus the new Chuck Morris was born.
Chuck Morris Double IPA starts with a huge aroma of grapefruit, pineapple, guava, pine, marmalade and chardonnay. Subtle hints of dankness are overwhelmed by more citrus and tropical punch that’s very inviting, and each sniff and sip brings more nuances. Hop bitterness is in perfect balance with the malt, and both play nicely together without stepping on anyone’s toes; with just enough sweetness to showcase the hop-splosion and a clean bitterness to cleanse the palate before the next necessary sip. Chuck Morris features Chinook, Columbus, Citra, Mosaic, and Simcoe hops amongst a range of secret techniques.
Chuck Morris Double IPA is 8% ABV and 90 IBUs, with a medium body that’s deceptively drinkable despite the slightly higher strength. “People throw around terms like “devastatingly delicious” and “most awesome ever”, declared Melvin Brewing’s Sales Director, Ted Whitney. “I’m glad to know that they can use those accurately and with no hyperbole about Chuck Morris.
Chuck Morris is part of Melvin’s ground-breaking rotational RIIPA series available in retail stores and in bars and restaurants nationwide. Remember, Rotational is the new seasonal. Don’t f*** up the rotation.
About Melvin Brewing
Melvin Brewing, born in 2009, is the beer child of Jeremy Tofte and Kirk McHale to fulfill their desire to drink the madness. Their quest was to produce the biggest and baddest West-Coast Style IPAs in Jackson, WY. Like true chemists, they experimented on a 30-gallon, then three-barrel brew house system, and developed the awardwinning Melvin IPA and 2×4 Imperial IPA. Today, Melvin Brewing has a full-scale brewing facility in Alpine, WY, a brewpub in Bellingham, WA, and astoundingly, more than 40 mouthwatering beer recipes to its name, including a range of hoppy beers and other styles such as ChChCh-Cherry Bomb (Fruit Beer), Killer Bees (Honey Ale), Ruckus (Imperial Stout) and Heyzeus (Mexican Lager). If your beer is not madness, it’s not beer. For the low down on the madness, visit www.melvinbrewing.com.