Below is a list of the 50 worst beers rated by the thousands of beer enthusiasts at This worst beers list is for beer education only. Drink at your own risk.
1. Natural Light
2. Natural Ice
3. Milwaukee’s Best Premium
4. Camo Genuine Ale
5. Sleeman Clear
6. Michelob Ultra
7. Dark Horse Lambeak Wants Blood Orange
8. Budweiser Select 55
9. Miller Genuine Draft Light 64
10. Milwaukee’s Best Light
11. Bud Light Chelada
12. Keystone Light
13. Keystone Premium
14. Labatt Sterling
15. Busch Ice
16. Bud Light
17. Busch Light
18. Beer 30 Light
19. Olde English 800 3.2
20. Budweiser Chelada
21. Icehouse Light
22. Busch Beer
23. Milwaukee’s Best Ice
24. Camo 900 High Gravity Lager
25. Bud Ice
26. Molson Ultra
27. Bernstein
28. Miller Lite Ice
29. Camo Silver Ice High Gravity Lager
30. Tuborg T-Beer
31. Tuborg T-Beer Citrus/ Lemon
32. Miller High Life Ice
33. Miller Genuine Draft Light
34. Rock Green Light
35. B-40 Bull Max 8%
36. Harboe Yellow
37. Fosters Ice
38. Molson Ex Light
39. Old Milwaukee Ice
40. Keystone Ice
41. Tooheys Extra Dry Platinum
42. Coors Light
43. Corona Light
44. Old Milwaukee Light
45. Budweiser 3.5%
46. Cave Creek Chili Beer
47. Olde English 800
48. Jinbaili King Benefit Lager
49. PC 2.5 g Low Carb
50. King Cobra Malt Liquor
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