Top 10 Oatmeal Stouts Brewed in America and around the World
The best oatmeal stout includes oatmeal in their grist, resulting in a pleasant, full flavor and a smooth profile that is rich without being grainy. A roasted malt character which is caramel like and chocolate like should be evident — smooth and not bitter. Coffee like roasted barley and roasted malt aromas are prominent. Bitterness is moderate, not high. Hop flavor and aroma are optional but should not overpower the overall balance if present. Alcohol by Volume: 3.80% – 7.0%. IBU: 20-40.
1. Wall of Sound – Stereo Brewing – California
2. Pure Imagination – Verboten Brewing – Colorado
3. Wigsplitter – 3 Floyds Brewing – Indiana
4. Volcano Mudslide Sweet Stout – Feather Falls Brewing – California
5. The Ferguson – Studio Brew – Virginia
6. Shinnicked Stout – Muskoka Brewery – Ontario
7. Samuel Smith’s Oatmeal Stout – Samuel Smith Old Brewery – Great Britian
8. Fat Pug – Maplewood Brewing – Illinois
9. Ipswich Oatmeal Stout – Ipswich Ale Brewery – Massachusetts
10. The Poet – New Holland Brewing – Michigan
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