ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Genesee Brewery recently announced that it has invented a new season, a New Yorker’s perfect season, sum-all. Sum-all is the season between August and October where New Yorkers beg for sweater weather while savoring the last days of summer. And in true Genesee fashion, brewery officials announced the first official sum-all beer: Genesee Black Cherry Vanilla Kellerbier! Black Cherry Vanilla Kellerbier will be available later this week in 12-packs of 12-ounce cans and on draft at select locations.
It’s Officially Sum-all Starting August 1
Genesee is leaning into its tradition of releasing seasonal beers before you can even flip your calendar by crafting the new, official sum-all season.
“Sum-all is all about celebrating the best of both seasons and embracing the juxtaposition this time of year offers. Fall beer in August? Makes sense to Genesee! Flannel swim trunks? You got it. Maple hot dogs? Well, you decide… Genesee is all about giving the people what they want,” said Benning. “And while we don’t control the weather or the thermostat, Genesee can offer liquid relief, no matter the season!”
For more information please visit https://www.geneseebeer.com/
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