Top 10 Kellerbiers / Zwickelbiers brewed in America
These beers are rather old, rare, and unique German beer style, Kellerbiers are unfiltered and unpasteurized lagers that date back to at least the Middle Ages. The beer is matured, unbunged (beer is exposed), in deep vaults. The final product is a smooth, naturally cloudy beer that’s rich in vitamins (from the yeast). Hop bitterness can be high and alcohol will vary. Zwickel Bier is similar to a Keller, but not as pronounced.
1. Spectra Hoppy Pilsner – Ecliptic Brewing – Oregon
2. STS Pils – Russian River Brewing – California
3. Ol’ Keller – Hop Dogma Brewing – California
4. Zwickelbier Red Rock Brewing – Utah
5. Luchesa Lager – Oasis Texas Brewing – Texas
6. Pilsner – Marble Brewery – Texas
7. Sunnyside Dweller – Ocelot Brewing – Virginia
8. Kelly Alt – Snake River Brewing – Wyoming
9. Keller Pils – Summit Brewing – Minnesota
10. Keller Pils – Sierra Nevada – California