PORTLAND, Oregon – Portland’s Ecliptic Brewing and Seattle’s Holy Mountain Brewing are releasing an Extra Juicy PaleAle this summer. The fourth beer in Ecliptic’s 2022 Cosmic Collaboration Serieswill ship August 24th in 16-ounce cans and draft.
Ecliptic + Holy Mountain ExtraJuicy Pale Ale is brewed with Pale and Pilsner malts and dry-hopped with Vistaand BRU-1. This juicy brew packs a tropical punch with notes of stone fruit,melon and pear. It clocks in at 6% ABV. The label, designed by SasquatchAgency, features a pair of skeleton astronauts and is a nod to some of HolyMountain’s branding.
SaysEcliptic’s Owner and Brewmaster, John Harris, “Colin [at Holy Mountain] and Ihad been discussing doing a collab for a couple years. Holy Mountain makes veryunique, flavorful beers and is a favorite of many Ecliptic brewers. I am gladwe were able to share this with the world in 2022. Colin and I talked about manydifferent styles but settled on a very drinkable style for the summer. Thisextra juicy pale delivers.”
Ecliptic + Holy Mountain ExtraJuicy Pale Ale will be released in 16-ounce cans and draft throughout EclipticBrewing’s distribution network on August 24th. VisitEcliptic’s website forup-to-date details on this release and potential release events, including an event in Seattle on September 1st at Ridgewood Bottle & Tap.
Ecliptic + Holy Mountain Extra Juicy Pale Ale
Brewed with our friends at HolyMountain Brewing, this Pale Ale was dry-hopped for surreal amounts of juicinessusing Vista and BRU-1. Expect tropical notes, along with stone fruit, melon& pear.
ABV: 6%
IBU: 45
Label Image
Can Image
About Ecliptic Brewing
Ecliptic Brewing is a venturefrom John Harris, an Oregon beer icon whose background is steeped in thestate’s rich craft brewing history. The name Ecliptic unites Harris’ twopassions: brewing and astronomy. Ecliptic Brewing’s Mothership location openedin October of 2013 in North Portland and its second location – the Moon Room–opened in November of 2021 in Southeast Portland.
Ecliptic celebrates the Earth’syearly journey around the sun through both its beer and restaurant menus.Harris’ signature beers include Ecliptic Starburst IPA, Phaser Hazy IPA, CarinaPeach Sour Ale, Capella Porter and Pyxis Pilsner.
Eclipticbeers are available at the mothership brewery (825 North Cook St), the MoonRoom (930 SE Oak St), in grocery stores, bottle shops, and on-tap throughoutthe area. They are distributed by: Maletis Beverage (Portland, Salem, VancouverWA), Bigfoot Beverage (Eugene, Bend, Coast), Fort George Distributing (NorthernOregon Coast, Southern Washington Coast), Hodgen Distributing (Eastern Oregon),Summit Distribution (Southern Oregon), NW Beverages (Seattle, Tacoma), Odom(Eastern Washington, Northern ID), Dickerson Distributing (Bellingham), HaydenBeverage (Idaho), Crooked Stave Artisans (Colorado), Freedom Distributors(North Carolina), Beer Thirst (Canada) and Tread Water (Japan).
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