Cincinnati was the best city for beer drinkers in 2019, according to a new report from Smart Asset. Smart Asset, a financial technology company, lists Cincinnati as the top city for beer drinkers. My personal favorite city for beer drinking is Asheville which finished 3rd.
The report examined the total number of breweries, breweries per 100,000 residents, average number of beers per brewery, bars per 100,000 residents and average price for a pint of domestic beer in each city.
Top 10 Cities For Beer Drinkers according to Smart Asset
1. Cincinnati, Ohio
2. St. Louis, Missouri
3. Asheville, North Carolina
4. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
5. Denver, Colorado
6. Bend, Oregon
7. Madison, Wisconsin
8. Portland, Oregon
9. Missoula, Montana
10. Cleveland, Ohio
Best Cities for Beer Drinkers – Smart Asset 2019 Edition